Lea Rainey is the founder of Roots Zero Waste Market in Garden City, Idaho ( nestled in the middle of the capitol, Boise). Roots is the first and only, full-service plastic package free grocery store and café in the US and has been in operation since 2019. Frustrated and vexed by the increasing lack of response to the global plastic crisis and the stagnant innovation of the grocery industry, Rainey took on the challenge of providing one of the most immediate and tangible solutions to the overconsumption and waste of both plastics and food in the supply chain. Roots grocery retail model not only reduces waste for the consumer but additionally, with it’s nearly closed loop operations, eliminates the wasteful practices which threatens future success between retail food, household supply and the planet. Join her for an enlightening, heartfelt presentation, and discussion about change and progress toward the enrichment of our farms, our traditions, and our communities.
An environmentalist disguised as a retailer. Lea Rainey grew up in the mountains of Idaho. After a 20 year career in Information Technology with Hewlett-Packard, HP, DXC, Merrill-Lynch & Proctor & Gamble, she realized the only real information and technology needing transformation and assistance was between consumer retail and the climate crisis. Lea and her (silent, yet ever supportive) husband Zach are the co-owners of Roots Zero Waste Market in Garden City, Idaho.