Provender Members Share Commitments

Provender Alliance exists to educate and inspire and network within our community and beyond.

Our community of Provender members also includes organizations and individuals in the natural products trade, and others with shared values.

Provender is dedicated to ensuring that our community has opportunities to be better educated in areas that include:

  • current industry trends and topics
  • economic, social and cultural change
  • ensuring a vibrant natural products trade
  • environmental issues
  • activism
  • models for sustainable ethical business practices and environmental stewardship
  • integrity

We know that our community is inspired to:

  • make positive change
  • cultivate new ideas
  • make new connections
  • educate and inspire others
  • be present in, appreciate and create a sharing, nourishing and celebratory environment

Provender members are motivated, influential, passionate leaders.

Not yet a member? Check out more info about the benefits of joining the Provender Alliance, or join now.